Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Good Health Tips

मौसमी फल हमेशा शरीर के लिए लाभकारी होते हैं। विशेष मौसम में मिलने वाले फल उस मौसम में होने वाली बीमारियों से शरीर की रक्षा भी करते हैं। हरे, लाल, गुलाबी छिलके वाला सिंघाड़े का फल सेहत के लिए बहुत अच्छा माना जाता है। इसमें आयोडीन की प्रचुरता होती है और यह शरीर के इम्यून सिस्टम को भी सही रखता है।
1. सिंघाड़ा खाने से डिहाइड्रेशन की समस्या में आराम मिलता है। यह शरीर में पानी के संतुलन को सही रखता है।
2. सिंघाडे में कैलोरी की मात्रा बहुत कम होती है और अन्य पोषक तत्वों जैसे आयोडीन, आयरन की अधिकता होती है जिस वजह से यह वजन को नियंत्रित रखनेे का काम भी करता है।
3. सिंघाड़े में बहुत सारे पोषक तत्व पाए जाते हंै जिनमें साइट्रिक एसिड, कार्बोहाइड्रेट, विटामिन ए और सी, प्रोटीन जो हमें स्वस्थ रखने के साथ ही हमारी सेहत के लिए भी लाभकारी होते हैं।
4. सिंघाड़े में पॉलीफिनॉलिक और फ्लेवेनॉइड एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स की मात्रा भरपूर होती है। इसमें एंटी-वायरल, एंटी-कैंसर, एंटी-बैक्टीरियल एंटी-ऑक्सीडेट्स के गुण होते हैं जो बीमारियों को दूर करने में सहायक होते हैं।
5. सिंघाड़ा पीलिया रोगी के लिए काफी फायदेमंद होता है। इसका जूसपीने से शरीर में मौजूद जहरीले तत्व बाहर निकलते हैं।
8860001023, 1800-1800-365

निस्संतान दंपतियों के लिए उम्मीद की किरण, सनराइज अस्पताल गुडगाँव

आधुनिकता के मोर्चे पर हमारे समाज ने काफी प्रगति की है, लेकिन निस्संतान होना आज भी शर्मिदगी का कारण बनता है। निस्संतान दंपतियों, खासतौर से औरतों को बच्चे न होने पर असहज करने वाले सवालों से जूझना पड़ता है। बच्चे न होने पर उन्हें ताने भी दिए जाते हैं।
कुछ निस्संतान दंपतियों के लिए स्वस्थ शिशु पाने का सबसे बेहतरीन विकल्प हो सकता है-IVF। सनराइज अस्पताल ने भारत में IVF संबंधी बेहतरीन प्रोग्राम की पेशकश की है। सनराइज अस्पताल की उत्कृष्ट सेवाओं, टेक्नोलॉजी के मोर्चे पर नेतृत्व, प्रक्रियाओं में उत्कृष्टता, क्वालिटी, मरीजों की बेहतर देखभाल, विश्वस्तरीय सुविधाओं, सफलता की लगातार ऊंची दर तथा पारदर्शिता जैसी खूबियों के चलते ज्यादा से ज्यादा निस्संतान दंपती इनकी सेवाएं ले रहे हैं।पिछले दो सालो से गुडगाँव में सनराइज अस्पताल में चल रहे IVF सेंटर में हुए जुड़वाँ बच्चे,अस्पताल के निदेशक नकुल कहते है की उनके पास निसंतान दम्पतियों को यह सुविधा काफी काम कीमत पर उपलब्ध करा कर उनके जीवन में खुशिया ला रहे है
सनराइज अस्पताल के CEO युगल किशोर उपाध्याय ने अजेयभारत पत्रकार को बताया की उनके यंहा अशोक और अनीता नाम के निसंतान दंपत्ति को IVF तकनीक से दो बच्चे हुए है जिन्हे पाकर वो दोनों बहुत खुश है और उन्हने अस्पताल और डॉक्टर की टीम का धन्यवाद किया है
IVF के बारे में सनराइज अस्पताल, गुड़गांव में पंजीकरण कराने हेतु 8860001023 पर कॉल करें

Free Link Submission

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ticket for Diwali Celebration

This Diwali I am going to place of Poor families home with my family and my friends who are staying in Gurgaon.

If any of you want to be part of this event pls. SMS "INT DE" to 8860001023 we will send you confirmation of your self with address of Places where all we are going..

Wish you and your family Happy Diwali

Yugal Kishore Upadhyay

Friday, 17 October 2014

IVF Baby in India

Twine baby delivered on 20/9/2014 after 8 years of marriage to Mrs. Anita w/o Mr. Ashok Kumar R/o Village – Dhanipur, Dist- Bharatpur, Rajisthan by IVF treatment in Sunrise IVF Centre (Sunrise Hospital) Khandsa road, Near Sect-10 A, Gurgaon near Delhi in India by Dr. Yamuna (Sr. Gynaecologist)  under supervision of Dr. Shalini Jain Nawal (Head of Sunrise IVF Centre) and with financial support of Mrs. Rashid Khan r/o G-12/14, DLF Ph-1, Gurgaon, Mrs. Neelam Khanna (lions Club) r/o H.No.: 10, Sahtut Marg, DLF ph-1, Gurgaon and some other Holy ladies in Gurgaon.
Sh. Yugal Kishore Upadhay, CEO of Sunrise Hospital told - Mrs. Anita completed 7 months of pregnancy & she was planned for an emergency LSCS (Caesarean Section). Twins 1st (Female) delivered at 9:39 PM of birth weight of 1 kg and Twin 2nd (Male) delivered at 9:39 PM of Birth weight 800gm In view of prematurity and low birth weight and having respiratory distress (Hurried breathing or fast breathing) babies were admitted in NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) of Sunrise Hospital.
Twine 2nd Male was having immature lungs (HMD) for which baby received 2 setting of surfactant therapy on Mechanical Ventilator (Artificial Ventilation) surfactant is used to help mature lungs in Premature babies gradually both the twins started showing signs of improvement (that is both babies were out of danger). Gradually tube feeding (mother’s milk) was started and both the babies have started gaining weight team of paediatrician is taking care of this twins under supervision of  Dr. Sachinder Jain Nawal (Head of Neonatology) call : 8860001023

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

IVF Treatment in India

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is the best treatment for certain kinds of fertility problems. However, it can be demanding and doesn't always result in pregnancy.
If you’re interested in fertility treatments, or if you’re about to start a course of IVF, find out as much as you can about the treatment.
Knowing what to expect can make IVF easier to manage.

What is IVF?
When a couple conceives naturally, sperm from the man and the egg from the woman meet in the woman’s fallopian tubes. These are the tubes that join the ovaries to the uterus (womb). One sperm penetrates the egg and fertilises it.
In IVF, this process of fertilisation happens outside the woman’s body. A woman’s eggs are surgically removed and fertilised in a laboratory using sperm that has been given as a sperm sample.
Next, the fertilised egg, called an embryo, is surgically implanted into the woman's womb.
Typically, one cycle of IVF takes between four and seven weeks.

What to expect of IVF treatment
IVF does not always result in pregnancy.
In the India, around 20-25% of IVF treatment cycles result in a birth. In general, younger women have a higher chance of success. Success rates decrease dramatically in women over 40
IVF can be a physically and emotionally demanding process. Some men and women have mental health or emotional problems such as anxiety or depression during or after IVF.
Anyone undergoing IVF should be offered counselling to help with the emotional impact of the process and its results.

IVF risks
There are health risks involved in IVF treatment. These include:
Multiple pregnancy
There is an increased chance of multiple pregnancy with IVF. Multiple pregnancy has health risks for both the mother and children as twins or triplets are more likely to be born prematurely and to be underweight at birth.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
Drugs used to stimulate the ovaries during IVF can lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). In OHSS, the ovaries enlarge and become painful, causing abdominal discomfort. More severe cases can lead to shortness of breath, fluid retention in the abdominal cavity and formation of blood clots. In these cases, you may need a stay in hospital.
When eggs are removed from the woman, a fine needle is passed through the vagina and into the ovaries. There is a risk of introducing infection into the body, though antibiotics and surgical hygiene ensure that this rarely occurs.

Yugal Kishore Upadhyay
IVF India

Friday, 8 August 2014

Best IVF Centre India

At IAS Medicare we have been creating miracles every day for over 10 years. Regardless of your situation, our nationally recognized infertility specialists can work closely with you to develop a personalized fertility treatment plan, including IVF, PGD, egg donation & surrogacy and other fertility options. As a leading destination for fertility tourism in India, our fertility center offers hope to patients around the world. IAS Medicare takes your dreams seriously and is dedicated to providing compassionate care

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Male Infertility and Microtese – Hope for those with no sperms

Male infertility is on the rise. Semen quality and sperm counts are falling. Only male is now responsible for 40%. This is an increase from 25% earlier. The falling sperm counts have been blamed on lifestyle factors like poor diet, stress , lack of exercise, alcohol , smoking and cell phones. Besides this men could suffer from azoospermia which means no sperms are present in the ejaculated semen. This can be due to obstruction of the vas deference or it could be due to testicular failure where sperm production is affected. In cases where there is testicular cause there may be sperm production but only in few localized areas which are not enough to show sperms in the ejaculate. In both these cases we usually do a testicular sperm extraction by aspiration of epidydimus or testis or a testicular biopsy. In many of the cases where sperm production is present in occasional areas it is difficult to identify these areas by naked eyes. However under the microscope dilated seminiferous tubules containing sperms can be identified. Thus a new technique is evolved where in the testicular biopsy is done under magnification of 25 times. This is known as Micro TESE ( Testicular sperm extraction). It is done under general anesthesia. With the help of this sperm extraction is more successful. Conventional biopsy is taken blindly and often multiple sites have to be taken as the initial biopsy tissue may not have sperm. The advantage of microTESE is that since targeted biopsy under the microscope identifies seminiferous tubules with higher chance of having sperms , hence more successful and requires less amount of tissue leading to less tissue destruction. It is a surgery which takes 3-4 hours. The sperms are then taken and an Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is done in the oocyte (egg). This technique is a milestone in advancement of treatment of men with non obstructive azoospermia who want to father a child. The facilities for microTESE are only there in few centres in India. These centres are equipped with a microscope within the operation theatre. It is advised that men with azoospermia ( absence of sperms) get treated only at centres with facility of microTESE.


Fertility Check – Identifies Infertility related to decreased ovarian reserve

Fertility check gives you an idea of how well your ovaries are working. Usually at birth 1000,000 eggs are present these come down to 1,00,000 at 35 when fertility is decreased and at 40 they are 10,000 when chances of pregnancy are greatly reduced. Thus a woman’s fertility decreases with age. Not only the quantity of eggs go down but also the quality becomes poor. These eggs usually do not end up in a healthy pregnancy. It is important, even if you are not planning a baby, to undergo a fertility check. There is an increasing incidence of decreased ovarian reserve and premature menopause. That means that the ageing changes described above occur at a much younger age. Early menopause may be due to life style changes – poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, smoking drugs etc. Also with the changing social scenario where women are spending more time on their careers and incidence of delayed marriages and childbirth are increasing fertility assessment seems to form an important tool to prognosticate them. Once fertility check is done one is able to assess how young the ovaries are and how far from menopause is the woman. Fertility check includes a few blood tests and ultrasounds. Blood tests include an Anti -mullerian hormone tests and a day 2 FSH. An ultrasound on day 2 would show the antral follicle count that is the number of basal follicles an ovary has in that cycle. An assessment of the male partner, if present, may be done with a basic semen analysis.
A complete history would be asked. The tests reports are analysed on age based graphs to assess the prognosis. It is important that the fertility specialists discuss the outcomes of the fertility check and recommend the appropriate next steps in each individual circumstance.  If tests show a good ovarian reserve only reassurance is needed and one can plan a pregnancy at a later date. However if the check shows a declining ovarian reserve it is better to go in for planning a baby or for fertility preservation techniques like freezing the eggs. Lifestyle advice maybe recommended and a treatment plan outlined.
The fertility check is recommended for all women who are beyond 30 years of age, women with family history of menopause, women with autoimmune disease, irregular scanty periods indicating hormonal imbalance. Women with history of ovarian pathology or surgery where part of ovary may have been removed. Also women who have not been able to conceive despite trying for one year. It guides women on how much further can they delay getting pregnant. It also identifies women who need aggressive treatment for fertility.

Dr. Yugal Kishore Upadhyay (IVF India)

Better Baby Making Sex

In this free online health course, 6 Days to Better Baby Making Sex, you'll learn how to increase your chances of conception, avoid TTC (trying to conceive) sex burn out, and how to spice things up in the bedroom. This course is available through email.
With the exception of those dealing with certain cases of infertility or special medical issues, the basic way to make a baby is through sex. But when can that happen? Does position matter? Are lubricants good or bad for baby making sex? What can you do if the passion dies, after trying for too long? You'll learn all this in our 6-day course.
There are homework assignments for each lesson, and the last lesson has a quiz to test what you've learned. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom so you don't miss anything. Enjoy!
What you'll learn in this lesson:

  • When is the best time for conception sex
  • Why having sex every day, or only just before ovulation, is not a good idea
  • How often should you be having sex
When Can Sex Lead to Pregnancy? 
The ovum, or female egg, lives about 24 hours. Sperm are pretty hardy, though, and can live within the female reproductive system for up to five days. Theoretically, then, if you have sex five days before ovulation, you could get pregnant maybe, but not likely. The two days before ovulation are when sex is very likely to lead to pregnancy.
We'll talk pinpointing these days in the next article in this series, but first, let's talk about whether or not you should only aim for the best days.
Ready, Aim, Fire Vs. Spreading the Wealth 
There are a few problems with aiming only for your most fertile days. For one, sperm are healthier when sex happens regularly. Another advantage is the stress will be less. Predicting ovulation can be tricky.
My suggestion? Track ovulation (if it doesn't stress you out too much), so you can have sex on the days that you are most likely to conceive, and also have frequent sex all month long, to keep sperm healthier and ensure you don't miss your chance.
Plus, sex isn't just for making babies. Sex is also a way of connecting intimately with the love of your life. Sex is also good for your health and may reduce stress. All good reasons to enjoy it often!


Fertility Clinic in India

Americans and Britons are traveling abroad for infertility treatment in record numbers. No one country in Europe or Asia seems to have a lock on this medical tourism trend. Popular destinations for infertility treatments include India, and South Africa.

List of Fertility Clinic in India
IAS Medicare – Located in India. They don’t have a web site. Their telephone number is 8860001023. They provide infertility treatments for both females and males, including:
·         in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
·         intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
·         intrauterine insemination (IUI)

·         cryopreservation for embryos, sperm and eggs

Saturday, 2 August 2014

ivf india



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Sunday, 20 July 2014

IVF India

IAS Medicare is one of the best infertility centre 4 IVF Treatment and assisted reproduction. It 8860001023

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